Mr. Sachin Tendulkar, the former cricketer and the captain of the Indian Cricket Team, lodged a police complaint at the Mumbai Crime Branch.

On the 13th of May, Saturday, Sachin Tendulkar filed a case over his name, photo and voice being used in fake advertisements on the internet to dupe people. Acting upon the complaint, the Mumbai Crime Branch asked the Mumbai Cyber Cell to register a case against unidentified people under sections 426, 465, and 500 of the Indian Penal Code (IPC.)

Notably, some unidentified people used the name, photo and voice of Sachin Tendulkar for the promotion of medicinal products without his permission.  One of Tendulkar’s aides filed a complaint with the West Region Cyber Police Station in this regard.  The complainant said that he came across online advertisements of a drug company that claimed that the master batter endorsed its product line.

He also found a website,, which promoted these products using Tendulkar’s photo.

The case is registered and an investigation is underway.

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