In the wake of the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19,) the Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) is expecting to discuss the chances of conducting the Indian Premier League (IPL,) 2020 exclusively.

A BCCI official, who wished to be anonymous said,  “We are discussing the possibility of playing IPL behind closed doors.”  The official further added, “Compensation for teams to be discussed on Saturday (the 14th of March.)” 

The BCCI meeting came after the Central Government issued fresh advisory regarding the COVID-19 and banned existing foreign visas, except a few categories till the 15th of April.

On the 11th of March, the Union Sports Ministry asked all the national federations, including the BCCI, to follow the Health Ministry’s advisory.  The advisory includes isolation from crowd, avoiding large gatherings in sports events and others.  

Radhey Shyam Julaniya, the Sports Secretary of India, said, “We have asked all the NSFs (National Sports Federations,) including the BCCI, to follow the Health Ministry”s latest advisory, which says public gatherings should be avoided in all events, including sporting activities.”

However, the final decision regarding the IPL, which is scheduled to be held in March would be taken after a BCCI meeting with the IPL Governing Council.  The meeting would be held on the 14th of March.

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