Atlanta: In a turn of surprising but pleasant events, a young kid from Atlanta found the lost Olympic Gold Medal of the ace swimmer Joe Jacobi.

Jacobi won the medal in men’s canoe double slalom at the 1992 Olympics in Barcelona. He said that it was stolen when somebody broke into his car in June. Very luckily, Chloe Smith, who was out for a walk with her father, found the prestigious medal in a dustbin which then she duly returned to the ex-Olympian.

Joe Jacobi with Chloe Smith

Joe Jacobi with Chloe Smith at Woodson Park School

Thrilled by the return of the medal, Joe visited the first grade class in Woodson Park Elementary School, where Chloe studies, to thank her in person. “It’s the idea of choosing to do the right thing, and so Chloe, I thank you for good character and doing the right thing. And to her parents and her family, I thank you guys,” Jacobi said.

The swimming champ also explained to the students on the importance of being honest and learning from their fellow classmate Smith. He also put forth that sometimes people don’t give kids enough credit for the choices they make and the influence they could have over an entire community.

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