Ms. Bhagwani Devi Dagar, 94 year old sprinter from India, bagged a gold medal for India, at the World Masters Athletics Championships held in Tampere, Finland.

On the 12th of July, Ms. Bhagwani Devi won the medal and proved that age is just a number and won against people younger than her.  Notably, the World Masters Athletics Championships is an event organised for athletes aged 35 years and older.  It was held from the 29th of June to the 10th of July, in Finland.

After Ms. Bhagwani Devi won the gold medal in the sprinter event, the Union Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, informed that Ms Bhagwani won the gold with a time of 24.74 seconds. Additionally, she also bagged a bronze medal in shot-put.  The tweet read, “India’s 94-year-old #BhagwaniDevi Ji has yet again proved that age is no bar!  She won a GOLD medal at the #WorldMastersAthleticsChampionships in Tampere in the 100m sprint event with a timing of 24.74 seconds.  She also bagged a BRONZE in Shot put. Truly commendable effort!”

Meanwhile, Ms Bhagwani’s achievements were appreciated in all corners of the nation.  Twitter users and netizens flooded social media platforms, appreciating the efforts to Ms. Bhagwani Devi for winning the gold medal.

Ministers including Mr. Anurag Thakur, Mr. Hardeep Singh Puri and Mr. Piyush Goyal congratulated Ms. Bhagwani Devi and caller her an “inspiration for all”.

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