Fulfilling his election campaign promise, Yogi Adityanath on Thursday unleashed the ‘Anti-Romeo’ squad in Uttar Pradesh. These squads keep a check on eve teasing in the state. The teams would be present in 235 spots to reduce harassment of girls under 13 police stations. A total of 23 squads has been placed at girl’s colleges, institutes, schools, parks, malls and also all major spots of public interest.

These squads will have five members, one Sub-Inspector, two male and two female constables each. They will be present at the identified spots from 10 A.M. to 8 P.M., every day of the week and 5 P.M., to 8 P.M., on Sundays. The squads will be equipped with vehicles and video cameras for recording the eve teasing incidents and which will be immediately forwarded to the respective Circle Inspector. Manzil Saini, the SP of Lucknow had said that this was an attempt to reduce eve teasing and increase the presence the police in the public places to ensure safety.

Saini said, “The cops who are part of the squad will initiate action against those found guilty under sections 294 and 354 of the Indian Penal Code. Section 294 is for obscene act or words in public while 354 is outraging modesty.” Unlike some groups that make the abuser do sit ups in public, this squad will monitor the boys who are passing lewd comments on girls or stalking them.