The decline in rice production in India due to a lack of rainfall in West Bengal and Uttar Pradesh has become a major concern, disturbing the world’s food supply.

According to sources, approximately 40% of rice trade and export is from India, however, in 2022 due to the lack of rainfall, approximately 13% production of rice was reduced. Furthermore, the traders and exporters are in worry, as due to the fall in production, there would be a shortage in supply, meeting the demands of rice in the world.  The scarcity of rice came at a time when the nation is suffering from prices hike and inflation.

In addition, considering the shortage of food, the Union Government has already imposed a restriction on food, sugar, and wheat export to control the local prices and safeguard food security.

Besides food supply, the market prices of many food items increased by 10% for even locals, due to the constant demand and less supply, especially in West Bengal, Odisha, and Chhatisgarh.

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