Since the past one week, West Bengal is witnessing a massive hike in the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases.  The State on the 5th of January, Thursday, reported the highest 14,022 new cases of COVID-19.

In the past 24 hours, Wednesday, the COVID-19 cases increased by 50%, compared to cases on the 5th of January (9,073.)

In addition, of the total cases, 1,090 cases were reported from Kolkata.  The State’s positivity rate also jumped to 23%. Besides 14,022 cases, West Bengal also registered 17 deaths and 6,438 recoveries.

Currently, West Bengal has 16,25,454 recovered cases and 33,042 are active cases.  Considering the worst COVID-19 situation, the West Bengal Government is on alert and imposed restrictions and night curfew till the 15th of January.  The night curfew is in effect from 10:00 P.M., to 5:00 A.M.  In addition, transportation, trains and restaurants are allowed to function until 10:00 P.M., with 50% occupancy.  Malls, salons, spas, gyms, schools, colleges and swimming pools are to remain shut. 

Meanwhile, amid the COVID-19 situation, the Kolkata International Film Festival, scheduled to be held between the 7th and the 14th of January, was “deferred” and a bunch of popular music festivals, including the Dover Lane Music Conference, also stood cancelled.  Organisers of the Kolkata Book Fair, scheduled to begin on the 31st of January, are waiting for instructions from the State Government. 

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