Vistara airlines suffered a huge fine of Rs. 10 lakh for safety regulation violations. 

On the 2nd of June, Thursday, the Director-General of Civil Aviation, which is India’s aviation regulator, imposed a fine after a professionally improper pilot flew an aircraft with passengers on board.

According to sources, the airlines allowed an improperly trained pilot to land a flight at Madhya Pradesh’s Indore airport when he was not trained for this.  The pilot, who was the first officer on the flight, landed the aircraft at the Indore airport recently without first getting the requisite training in a simulator.   Acting upon the carelessness of the airlines, the DCGA imposed the fine.  An official of the Aviation Regulator said, “This was a serious violation endangering lives of the passengers on board.”

It is to be noted, that the first officers are trained to land aircraft in simulators before being allowed to do it with an actual aircraft with passengers on board.  A captain is also similarly trained in a simulator before they can give landing instructions to the first officer.  Before flying an actual aircraft with passengers, these are the required, mandatory training for any commercial pilot.

However, the Vistara airlines neglected the most important safety regulation, which was detected during the landing at Indore Airport, causing the airline a fine of Rs. 10 lakh.

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