The day has come finally when the realization of fake advertisements has hit the Indian Government. It is said even the Vice President M. Venkaiah Naidu was not spared by the dupers.

The Samajwadi Party (SP) Leader Naresh Aggarwal initiated a discussion in the Rajya Sabha on adulteration of food articles. The Vice President and the House Chairman Venkaiah Naidu narrated an incident where he was duped by an advertisement.

Naidu said shortly after becoming the Vice President, he came across an advertisement promising a certain amount of weight loss in 28 days. Naidu further added it was priced at Rs. 1230.

Naidu said, “I paid the money but after some days received a packet. When I opened it, there was a note which said that I have to pay some Rs. 1000 again to get the original medicine.”

Naidu then highlighted this experience in a letter to the Union Consumer Affairs Minister Ram Vilas Paswan. Paswan ordered an inquiry and informed Naidu that the advertisement was issued by a company based in the U.S. Paswan further said something should be done about such advertisements.

Paswan stated his Ministry is working on a new legislation to take action against the companies that make false promises through advertisements.