A full page newspaper advertisement of Mr. Yogi Adityanath showcasing development in Uttar Pradesh, sparked political criticism and controversy. The reason behind the criticism was the image of Kolkata Ma Flyover used in the image, showcasing developments under the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Government.

Recently, the BJP led Uttar Pradesh Government released an advertorial, which focused on the development works done by Yogi Adityanath’s Government over the last five years in the State. However, the image of Ma Flyover of Kolkata, used in the published ad gained social media criticism. The Trinamool Congress (TMC) of West Bengal lashed out at Mr. Yogi Adityanath and accused him of using the development works of West Bengal to win the U.P., Assembly elections in 2022. The flyover was easily identified due to its trademark of white and blue colour paint and yellow taxi spotted in the published image.

Besides the West Bengal Government, many social media users have identified the flyover as the ‘Ma Flyover.’ The TMC leaders and residents of Kolkata mocked the BJP for misusing the image of Kolkata developments.

Mr. Abhishek Banerjee, a senior leader of the TMC and the nephew of the West Bengal Chief Minister Ms. Mamata Banerjee, posted a tweet, which read, “Transforming UP for Yogi Adityanath means stealing images from infrastructure seen in Bengal under Mamata Banerjee’s leadership and using them as his own! Looks like the ‘DOUBLE ENGINE MODEL’ has MISERABLY FAILED in BJP’s strongest state and now stands EXPOSED for all!”

Responding to the accusation, the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) Chief of West Bengal Mr. Dilip Ghosh, said, “Whether it is Maa flyover or Baba flyover, I don’t know. There can be a mistake and if the TMC wants they can move the court against the BJP.”

However, the newspaper which published the image, accepted their mistake and said it to be a flaw in the design. They said they have removed the advertisement from all the digital media platforms and claimed responsibility for the same, giving a clean chit to the BJP for the image mishap.

The advertorial was released in the wake of the upcoming Uttar Pradesh Assembly elections, showcasing the growth and development of the State under the Yogi Adityanath led BJP Government.

Meanwhile, the Uttar Pradesh Assembly election is scheduled to be held in 2022.

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