Yogi Adityanath, the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, on the 20th of April, expressed grief over his father’s death.

On the 20th of April, Anand Singh Bisht, died while undergoing treatment for a prolonged illness at the All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in Delhi.

However, when asked about if Yogi Adityanath would attend his father’s funeral, he said, “I am very saddened to hear the news of my father’s death. My father has always taught me to be faithful, hardworking and selfless. I wanted to be with him in his final moments, but could not due to my responsibility to protect Uttar Pradesh’s 23 crore people. I will not be able to attend the funeral tomorrow due to the lockdown to control the spread of coronavirus. I appeal to my mother and my relatives to follow the lockdown protocol while attending the funeral. I will visit after the lockdown ends,” 

Mr. Adityanath said during this pandemic illness of the Novel Coronavirus, he would not leave the State and would not sacrifice with his responsibility towards the citizens of Uttar Pradesh (U.P.)

Twitter is flooded with condolences message to Yogi Adityanath over his father’s demise during a tough situation with #YogiAdityanath.

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