The Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) appointed Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan, the Union Minister, as its in charge for the upcoming Karnataka Assembly Polls.

On the 4th of February, Saturday, the BJP issued an official statement in this regard, announcing Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan as the polls in charge, with immediate effect.  In addition to this, the ruling party also appointed Mr. K. Annamalai, the President of the BJP in Tamil Nadu, as the co in charge for the upcoming Karnataka polls.

Meanwhile, speaking of Mr. Dharmendra Pradhan, in the past, he has been in charge of several poll bound states, including Uttar Pradesh, where the BJP formed its government, after winning with huge margins.  Besides Uttar Pradesh, the BJP leader Mr. Pradhan was also involved in the polls of Bihar, Jharkhand and other Indian states, where BJP won with a huge margin, against the opposition.

The Karnataka Assembly elections are expected to be held in mid April or May, in 2023.  For the significant state elections, two major political parties, the Indian National Congress (INC) and the BJP have started their campaign, to strengthen and emerge as a strong parties.

If the BJP win, it would be their second term in Karnataka, the only South Indian state, where the BJP has formed its Government.

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