The Union Health Ministry conducted a press conference on the 21st of November and updated about the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 situation in India. 

According to sources, till date India conducted a maximum of 13.6 crore tests for the COVID-19 infection including 10,66,022 samples being tested in the past 24 hours.

The Union Ministry said, “An average of more than 10 lakh tests conducted daily has ensured that the cumulative positivity rate is sustained at low levels and is presently following a downward trajectory.”

With nearly 1 crore tests per day, India is one of the nations conducting the highest number of single day tests for the deadly infection. Of the total tested samples, 9 million or 90 lakh cases are positive. Of the total positive cases, only 4,39,747 are active cases and more than 93.67 percent, which is 84,78,124 are recovered/discharged cases.

In addition with the fatality rate at 1.47 % the deceased cases stand at 1,32,726.  

The Union Ministry said, “The daily positivity rate of 4.34 % point out that a comparatively huge volume was tested to detect these cases from the population. With a continuous surge in daily cases in European and the American countries, India is taking all cautionary steps to bring the trajectory of the disease under control (sic.)” The Ministry further added, “In view of the increase in coronavirus cases of some of the north Indian states, the Centre has advised all states and Union Territories to ramp up testing (sic.)”

Nearly 78.19 % of the new recovered cases are being from 10 states and UTs.

Governments of several states and UTs are also working towards the prevention of the COVID-19 infection.

Meanwhile, India’s potential COVID-19 vaccine named COVAXIN, also entered the third stage of trials and would likely be ready for mass distribution by May 2021.

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