Dr. Harsh Vardhan, the Union Health Minister, requested people not to believe baseless rumours about the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19 vaccine.

The request of Mr. Vardhan came at a time when India conducted a nationwide dry run for the COVID-19 vaccine.

On the 2nd of January, Mr. Vardhan said, “I want to appeal to people to not believe in any rumors. Our prime criteria in the vaccine trial is the safety and efficacy and nothing will be compromised,”

After reviewing the mock drilling of COVID-19 vaccine in a dry run, Mr. Vardhan said India is set to launch the much awaited COVID-19 vaccine.

Meanwhile, concerned authorities recently gave approval for the emergency usage of the Oxford-AstraZeneca.

The Serum Institute of India (SII) applied for the approval of emergency usage, which was cleared on the 1st of January by the subject expert committee (SEC.) However, the final approval would be given by the Drug Controller General of India (DCGI.) The DCGI would soon give recommendation on the applications and would give approval.

The Union Minister visited the sites where the mock administration was held in Delhi and said, “different kinds of rumours were also spread during polio immunisation, but people took the vaccine and now India is polio-free.”

Meanwhile, the mock drilling would benefit Indian Government which is scheduled to launch COVID-19 vaccine for the people soon.

The new COVID-19 vaccine is likely to roll out in India in May 2021.

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