On the second anniversary of the PM-Kisan scheme, the Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Singh Tomar awarded the best performing states for exemplary work in implementing the scheme.

On the 24th of February, the Union Government announced the highest percentage of Aadhaar authenticated beneficiaries. In this list, Karnataka topped the chart with 97% of beneficiaries authenticated under the scheme.

According to official data, more than 90 per cent of beneficiaries in Karnataka are being paid the benefits of the scheme.

Maharashtra has received the award for good performance in physical verification and grievance redressal under the scheme.

The Maharashtra Government’s data showed that the state has completed 99 per cent physical verification and has redressed 60 % of grievances. Uttar Pradesh was awarded for the fastest implementation of the scheme in the State.

The Government’s data said, “Nearly 1.53 crore farmers were registered during the period of December 18 to March 19.”

As far as North East and Hilly Terrain states are concerned, Arunachal Pradesh became the State with the highest percentage of Aadhaar verification with 98 % of beneficiaries being verified.

Himachal Pradesh also received the award for good performance in physical verification and grievance redressal.

Apart from this, 15 districts from various states were given awards for different categories.

The PM KISAN is a central scheme that gives a benefit of Rs 6,000 to farmer families with cultivable landholding through direct benefit transfer mode in three installments of Rs 2,000 each. The scheme was launched on February 24, 2019, by PM Narendra Modi. As of February 2021, benefits of Rs 1.15 lakh crores have been transferred to more than 10.75 crore beneficiaries across the country.

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