On the 21st of December, the Indian Government announced to suspend all flights to the United Kingdom (U.K.)

The decision was taken in the wake of a new strain of the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19.

The Civil Aviation Ministry temporarily suspended all flights originating from the U.K., to India and vice versa from midnight of the 22nd of December till the 31st of December. 

In regard to this, the Union Ministry released a circular which stated passengers coming from the United Kingdom on all international flights (flights in transit) would be subjected to mandatory COVID-19 tests on arrival at the airports concerned.

The circular also said those who were found positive on arrival were to be sent for institutional quarantine/isolation set up by the State/UT governments. 

Those found negative in the tests would be advised to isolate themselves at home for seven days and to be medically monitored by the State/UTs concerned.

State and UT governments have been asked to set up a separate help desks at the airports to facilitate this, while adequate arrangements for patients waiting for COVID-19 test results too would be made were at the airport

The Ministry of Civil Aviation said, “This suspension to start w.e.f. (with effect from) 23.59 hours, 22nd December 2020. Consequently flights from India to UK shall stand temporarily suspended during above said period.”  It further said, “Considering the prevailing situation in UK. Govt. of India has decided that all flights originating from UK to India to be suspended till 31st December 2020 (23.59 hours.) “

The news of the variant of the COVID-19 infection, the Nation called for enhanced epidemiological surveillance, enhanced containment and other measures to tackle the challenge effectively. 

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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