The United Kingdom (U.K.,) Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson’s two-day India visit started on the 21st of April, Thursday.

This is the first time that Mr. Johnson Boris visited India after resuming office as the Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.  Furthermore, the two-day visit is aimed at ramping up the overall ties between the two countries, especially in the areas of defense, security, and trade.  It is to be noted, that there would not be any discussion over the ongoing Russian invasion of Ukraine.

The major focus of the two-day visit would be to enhance commerce and trade between India and the United Kingdom.  Starting on the 21st of April, Thursday, Mr. Boris Johnson would visit Ahmedabad, with a roadshow.  On the first day of the tour, the U.K., PM would meet leading business group leaders and discuss commerce in India. 

On the second day, the 22nd of April, Friday, Mr. Boris Johnson would meet Prime Minister  Narendra Modi and discuss the situation in the Indo-Pacific as the United Kingdom is strongly opposed to any kind of coercion in the region, defense and security technologies.  The sources close to the development, who wished to be anonymous said, the U.K., is ready to extend its cooperation in realizing Modi’s vision of making India a hub for defense manufacturing and for the transfer of technologies for joint production of military hardware in India.

Meanwhile, speaking about the schedule of Mr. Boris Johnson in detail, he is scheduled to leave for Delhi, on the evening of the 21st of April.   In Delhi, he would also attend a ceremonial event at the Rashtrapati Bhavan.

The tour of the United Kingdom Prime Minister is said to be in effect a long-term bilateral relation of the India-United Kingdom, emphasizing enhancement in various sectors.

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