Today, is a historic day for the rights of women in India. The BJP Government will introduce the Triple Talaq bill in the Lok Sabha. This is the first step to criminalize instant Triple Talaq and Talaq through an electronic form such as email, SMS or Whatsapp.

The bill proposes three years imprisonment to the men guilty of this charge. It also states a fine will be given and the amount will be decided by the Magistrate after the hearing in the Court.

This historic day comes after the Supreme Court defined Triple Talaq as unconstitutional and violating the Fundamental Rights of women in August.

The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill is drawn up by a BJP group headed by Home Minister Rajnath Singh. The Bill states instant Triple Talaq in any form is void and illegal. Today, Law Minister Ravi Shankar will introduce the bill in the Lok Sabha.

The drafted law gives women the right to request a Magistrate to apply “subsistence allowance” for herself and her minor children. The women will also be given the right to ask for custody of her minor children. Each Magistrate will analyze the issue and make a final call.

The Supreme Court made the ruling on Triple Talaq after several appeal from women who were divorced through electronic means like Skype and Whatsapp. The Modi Government agreed with the women and termed it unconstitutional. PM Modi regularly spoke against the practice and vowed to protect the rights of Muslim women.

Also Read: Triple Talaq Bill Gets Majority Acceptance In The Lok Sabha

Also Read: The Lok Sabha Passes The Triple Talaq Bill