Ms. Swati Dave, a resident of Sydney, Australia would be the inaugural Chair of the new Centre for Australia-India Relations, scheduled to be launched in 2023.

Ms. Penny Wong, the Australian Foreign Minister made the announcement on the 7th of February, Tuesday, and welcomed Ms. Deve into a role which would enhance the relationship between the two nations.  She said, the new role would “serve as a national platform to further strengthen our relationship with India.”

Meanwhile, Ms. Swati Deve, who excelled in the field of Finance and Business, expressed her gratitude and said, “I feel deeply honoured to be appointed as the inaugural Chair of the Advisory Board to the new Centre.”  She added, “We are at a pivotal moment in our engagement and relationship with India and it’s time to pursue the opportunities before us.  I’m excited about positioning the Centre to drive a broader and deeper level of cooperation between the two countries.”

Highlighting the career of Ms. Swati Deve, she worked excellently in the corporate sectors of banking and investment and has experience.  Recently she worked as the Managing Director and the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Export Finance Australia.  Previously in senior positions, she was working with the National Automotive Board (NAB,) the Deutsche Bank, the Australian Mutual Provident (AMP) Henderson Global Investors, Bankers Trust and Westpac.  She also served as the Deputy Chair of Asia Society Australia and is an Investment Committee member for QIC Global Infrastructure.

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