The Jammu and Kashmir authorities announced the resumption of the temporarily suspended Amarnath Yatra.

The yatra was restricted amid the bad weather situation in the region, leading to stranded situations in two base camps and Pahalgam.

However, on the 10th of July, after the weather improved, the concerned Jammu and Kashmir authority announced the resumption.  The yatra started from Panjtarni and Sheshnag base camps after remaining suspended for three days.  However, the yatra on the other route, Baltal, is yet to resume.

As the weather showed significant improvement, a batch of 6,491 pilgrims performed darshan at Amarnath cave, news agency ANI reported. Among the pilgrims who paid obeisance at the holy shrine included 4700 men, 1,456 women, 213 children, 116 Sadhus and 6 Sadvis.  The official said, “Those devotees who had already performed ‘darshan’ have been allowed to return to Baltal base camp.”

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