SunRisers Hyderabad Captain David Warner stepped down from leading the IPL team this year. After the recent ball tampering involving the Australian team, Warner made the decision. Steve Smith also stepped down as Captain of the Rajasthan Royals.

The SunRisers will announce the new captain shortly, said the statement from the franchise. CEO of the SunRisers Hyderabad, K. Shanmugam said, “In light of recent events, David Warner has stepped down as Captain of (the) SunRisers Hyderabad. The new captain of the Team will be announced shortly.”

During a match between South Africa and Australia Steve Smith, David Warner and Cameron Bancroft were involved in tampering the ball. This cost Smith 100% of the match fee with a one Test Match ban. Cameron, on the other hand, lost 75% of the match fee and three demerit points.

Steve Smith apologized in a shocking press conference where he admitted to tampering the ball. Bancroft was caught on camera attempting to use tape and dirt to tamper the ball. All the three cricket players were sent back home from the tour in South Africa.

Also Read: Steve Smith Steps Down As Captain Of Rajasthan Royal