New Delhi: The Indian government is still not satisfied with the number of ban imposed this year. Yesterday Nestle maggi cleared all the laboratory test and today the government has banned street food in the capital.
Here is a shocking and saddening news for all the street food lovers in Delhi. The government has released a new notification for vendors which included, cooking roadside is banned. Vendors associations are planning to meet chief minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday to register their protest again the scheme for implementation of the Street Vendors Act,2014.
Delhi street food banned
The policy decision not only imposes a blanket ban on cooking but also has many stringent measures, which vendors claim could lead to more harassment for them. New scheme was declared on October 13 and civic agencies must implement it at the earliest, according to the sources.

But corporations said its implementation, especially ban on cooking on roadsides, will not be easy due to acute shortage of manpower. “We do take action against vendors for cooking in the open, but lack of personnel will hinder the operation,” said an official.

Officials, however, said that now that the scheme has been notified little can be done about it. “We have to look into the concerns of all stakeholders, including traders’ associations, RWAs, etc. Ban on roadside cooking or in the open will have to be imposed as it is according to a Supreme Court order. We thoroughly studied the law before notifying the scheme,” said a senior government official.

Vendors associations on the other hand, have challenged the government’s order and said, that the stringent provisions will severely impact the lives of lakhs of vendors as a majority of them sell food.

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