In the last 48 hours, six infiltration bids by Pakistan have been foiled by the Indian army along the Line of Control. In this busts atleast seven militants and one jawan have been killed.

The statement released by the Indian Army said that, “In the last 48 hours, infiltration attempts have been foiled at the Gurez, Machhil, Naugam and Uri sectors. Seven armed intruders have been eliminated so far.” The army also said that large amounts of arms, ammunition and war storage were recovered.

The statement released said that three militants were killed on Thursday in Naugam and on Wednesday four were killed in Machhil sector. On Thursday morning, two jawans were injured in Uri district as the army retaliated to the infiltration bid by atleast five militants. In Gurez near the LoC, intruders abandoned their ransacks and ran back to Pakistan after coming face to face with the Indian army.

According to reports by the army, the intruders were provided active internal and Pakistan army support. They were provided by cover fire at the army posts so as to help them enter Jammu an Kashmir. Including these four operations, the army busted six infiltration efforts by Pakistan in less than 48 hours.

Apart from this, the Indian army on May 26 also killed two Pakistani Border Action Team (BAT) after they tried to infiltrate the Uri sector in Baramulla district. These two tried to enter with the intention of attacking the camps. On May 27, six more militants were killed after they were caught entering into the valley from the border.

A statement said that “Relentless operations by security forces have defeated desperate attempts by Pakistan and its agents to spread terror in Jammu and Kashmir during the holy month of Ramzan.” The Northern Command claimed that after the start of 2017, 22 infiltration attempts have been foiled and 34 armed intruders have been killed near the LoC.