In a shocking incident, a student of Shiv Nadar University of Greater Noida, Delhi, killed his classmate and then committed suicide.

Getting into the details, the man has been identified as Anuj Singh, a third year student of Bachelors (B.A.,) Sociology, allegedly shot dead his classmate Sneha Chaurasia.  As per the initial investigation, the two were good friends and were said to be in a relationship.  However, due to some dispute between the two, they were having arguments.  The police recovered CCTV footage, in which the two students were talking outside the dining hall.  Anuj is seen holding a bag, from which he later pulls out a pistol and fires at Sneha.  She tries to resist but is shot again and collapses. Police said Sneha was shot at least twice in the chest and abdomen and died on the spot.  Anuj then rushed to his hostel and shot himself too with the same pistol. 

The incident was confirmed when the campus authorities received a 22 minute video sent by Anuj.  Before killing himself, Anuj recorded a video and sent the same to the  campus administration.

In the shared video, Anuj said that he wanted to take revenge from the girl, Sneha and sought forgiveness of his parents for doing such a thing.  He also confirmed that thne girl was his close friend, but due to some dispute, he took the drastic step.  Anuj in his video also revealed that he was suffering from third stage brain cancer, which his parents were not aware about.

The Greater Noida Director General Of Police (DGP) Saad Miya Khan said, “The two students were good friends but got into some dispute recently.  We have informed their families, and police teams have secured the campus.  We are questioning their classmates and teachers.”

In addition, concerned about the incident, the Shiv Nadar University canceled the scheduled convocation of the 26th of May.  Students were also asked to go back to their respective hometowns, for summer holidays.

Meanwhile, a detailed investigation into the shocking murder suicide incident is underway.

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