Mr. Shashi Tharoor, the Member of Parliament from Thiruvananthapuram and a senior leader of the Indian National Congress (INC) is set to contest the Congress Presidential elections.

On the 19th of September, Monday, Mr. Shashi Tharoor met with the President of INC Ms. Sonia Gandhi at the Delhi headquarters of the INC and expressed his desire to contest the Presidential elections.  The confirmation of Mr. Shashi Tharoor contesting the elections came after Ms. Sonia Gandhi gave her approval, allowing Mr. Shashi Tharoor to contest the elections, scheduled on the 17th of October.

According to sources, the Thiruvananthapuram MP Mr. Shashi Tharoor would face Mr. Ashok Gehlot, the Chief Minister of Rajasthan, in the presidential elections.  This would be the first time in the past 20 years, when the Indian National Congress would have a non Gandhi President.

Hours after the emergence of two non Gandhi candidates, Mr. Jairam Ramesh, the INC MP and Party’s General Secretary said, “Anybody who wants to contest is free and welcome to do so.  This has been the consistent position of the Congress Party and Rahul Gandhi.  This is an open, democratic and transparent process. Nobody needs anybody’s nod to contest.”

The Indian National Congress Presidential elections are scheduled to be held on the 17th of October.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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