The Supreme Court on Tuesday sought detailed suggestions on preserving one of the wonders of India the Taj Mahal from decaying.

The Taj Mahal has been facing issues of maintenance due to the polluted environment. The Supreme Court seeks the proper documentation with the vision to preserve the iconic monument. The main petitioners include M. C. Mehta, CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) and the Uttar Pradesh Government, among others.

The SC bench with three judges, Madan Bhimrao Lokur, S. Abdul Nazeer and Deepak Gupta, told petitioner Mehta to file his vision for the preservation of the Taj Mahal from yellowing and severe damage.

The authorities extended the matter for the next hearing which is scheduled on the 25th of September. The last hearing about the maintenance of the Taj Mahal questioned the Uttar Pradesh Government and slammed them for not being prepared with the documents.

On the 24th of July, the Uttar Pradesh Government submitted the draft vision of the restoration of the monument with assured steps for the betterment of one of the wonders of India.

The Court accused the Taj Trapezium Zone (TTP) authority for their carelessness in the conservation of the monument.

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