In 2021, sixty thousand people would be allowed to perform hajj in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. The decision was taken by the Saudi Arabia Hajj Committee and Government, amid the outbreak of the Wuhan virus, also known as the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19.)

In 2021, of the total 60,000 pilgrims allowed, 15,000 would be locals of Saudi Arabia and the remaining 45,000 would be people across the world. Usually, Saudi Arabia permits more than 2 million people to visit Mecca and perform Hajj in Saudi Arabia. In Islamic culture, visiting Mecca is obligatory for every Muslim once in a lifetime, if they are physically fit and financially capable.

The Central Haj Committee said, from India approximately 5,000 people are likely to be allowed to visit Hajj. C. Mohammed Faizi, the Chairman of the Kerala State Haj Committee, on the 26th of May, said, “It will be too early to say how many pilgrims from Kerala will be allowed this year. Last year, no pilgrim from our country could go as the Haj was curtailed in view of the pandemic. This time we are waiting with our fingers crossed.”

Apart from reducing the number of Hajj pilgrims, the Kingdom has also made it clear that pilgrims aged below 10 years and above 60 years would not be allowed this year. In addition, persons who were hospitalized in the past six months are also not permitted to perform Hajj in Saudi Arabia. These precautions are being taken to avoid the spread of the Novel Coronavirus. 

The committee would also ensure all the COVID-19 norms like physical distancing of two meters, sanitization and face masks while performing Hajj would be adhered. As a precautionary measure, all carpets would be removed from Masjid Al Haram.

It is to be noted, in 2019 Saudi Arabia Government allowed 1.75 lakh Indian pilgrims to perform the Hajj.

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