New Delhi: Modi government was attacked by its opposition Congress party on Thursday, while conducting a meeting with RSS. The BJP party said now it has been confirmed that the RSS will be controlling the Modi government. Even the ministers of his party are answerable for the RSS rather than being accountable to the people of India.
The party’s communication in-charge Randeep Singh Surjewala said, ‘Modi’s ministers are giving their presentation for the RSS and are being applauded, rather than the political ministers who are elected by the public.’ He added, this is the reason why the Prime Minister is staying silent through all the scams, the roller coaster in the economy and the halt in the development of the country.


RSS Controls Narendra Modi Government : Confirms Muslim Mirror | PTI Image

“What we are witnessing today is that a constitutionally elected Government is reporting to and is being held captive to the diktats of an extra constitutional, divisive and fascist organization like RSS whose greatest claim to fame is helping the colonial rulers against a nation fighting for independence”.
This act of Narendra Modi that he and his government have killed democracy and taken India on a ride. BJP has proved that voting is just a formality for the elections. The government is neither ruined by the elected members nor guided by the ideas of constitution.
“It is run by ministers who report to and take orders from an organization- the RSS- that does not believe in India as defined by the constitution. In that sense this entire drama is a grave mockery of the constitution itself”.
Surjewala also condemned the government for trying to subvert and dilute the essential spirit and character of the Nehru Memorial Museum and Library (NMML).
Devoid of any legacy that comprises of the building of our nation, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) & the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) are playing a diabolical game of rewriting and misappropriating our rich and proud heritage of struggle for Independence, he added.
The Prime Minister and his colleagues in the Government are functioning as per whims of an organization whose violent and intolerant ideology killed Mahatma Gandhi, and it is not surprising thus that this Government has, in line with its masters in the RSS, unleashed a divisive, anti people and fascist agenda on the country.


~ Courtesy : Muslim Mirror

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