The registration renewal fees for four-wheelers, two-wheelers, and imported cars, which are 15 years old, have been increased.

According to sources, from the 1st of April,  the registration renewal fees for vehicles in India would be 8 times higher than the current prices. However, the increased renewal charges are not applicable for vehicles in Delhi.

It is to be noted, in Delhi, petrol vehicles older than 15 years and diesel vehicles older than 10 years are not applicable for re-registration, therefore needed to be purchased new.  Concerning this, the Union Road and Transport Minister said, vehicle owners, who have cars, two-wheelers, which are 15 years old can go electrical, using Electric Vehicles in Delhi.

On the other hand,  the new renewable charges for cars would be Rs. 5,000 as compared with the current rate of  Rs. 600.  In addition, for two-wheelers, the fee is set at Rs. 1,000 instead of Rs 300. Furthermore, for imported cars, the cost would now be Rs. 40,000 instead of Rs. 15,000.

The Union Ministry of Road Transport and Highways issued an official order regarding the same on the 30th of March.  The new orders would be in effect from the 1st of April.

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