Ram Nath Kovind has been declared the 14th President of India. Kovind (71) is the second Dalit leader ever since R.K. Narayanan to become president.

The counting of votes began at 11 A.M. this morning and NDA candidate Kovind received 65.6% votes giving him 702,044 electoral college votes. The UPA nominee Meira Kumar had a 34.35% votes that translate to 367,314 votes.

Kovind received 522 votes from MPs while Meira got 225 votes from parliamentarians.

The present President Pranab Mukherjee will end his term on the 24th of July. After which, on the 25th Kovind will take an oath for his journey as the 14th President.

The following list is the few things about Ram Nath Kovind that you should know since he’s the new President.

1. Ram Nath Kovind graduated in law from Kanpur college. After which he went to Delhi to prepare for the Indian Administrative Services. Ram Nath Kovind failed at his first two attempts but passed on the third try. Although he was selected, he did not join as he was selected for allied services. He went on to practice law.

2. In the year 1994, Kovind entered politics as a member of Parliament in Rajya Sabha from Uttar Pradesh. He served as MP for two back to back terms till 2006.

3. Ram Nath Kovind is an advocate by profession and practiced at the Supreme Court and Delhi High Court.

4. In the year 2002, Ram Nath Kovind had the honor of representing the country in the United Nations in New York. He also addressed the United Nations General Assembly.

5. Kovind was the personal secretary to Prime Minister Moraji Desai in the year 1977.

6. Kovind has also served as the National Spokesperson for the Bharatiya Janata Party.

7. Kovind climbed the political ladder and was appointed as the Governor of Bihar on 8th August 2015.

8. Ram Nath Kovind was a member of the Board of Management at Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University in Lucknow. He was also on the Board of Governors of Indian Institute of Management in Kolkata.