Hyderabad: Congress key leader and former president Rahul Gandhi is set to contest as MP from Telangana state. Sources close to him revealed that Rahul is eyeing to contest from either Khamam or Bhongir Lok Sabha seat.

Congress high common is determined to win maximum number of MP seats in Telangana and started implementing a special action plan. Chief minister A Revanth Reddy is fixing equations to finalize the candidates.

Telangana Pradesh Congress Committee (TPCC) had already finalized the maximum number of candidates. Key leaders assess that the decision of Rahul Gandhi contesting from Telangana will definitely show great impact across the state. 

Revanth Reddy and his cabinet ministers recently met Sonia Gandhi and requested her to contest from Telangana. She simply rejected the proposal citing health grounds. Revanth Reddy recently held talks with Congress president Mallikharjuna Kharge and general secretary KC Venu Gopal over Rahul Gandhi contesting as MP from Telangana. Official announcement is expected shortly.