The Punjab State Aids Control Society (PSACS,) spread pamphlets with the claims that AIDS is caused by shaking hands and using the same mobile device from an infected person.

The pamphlet stated that shaking hands with a person infected with AIDS can transfer the disease. It also said using the same utensils, mobile phones and computers with an infected person can also pass on the life threatening disease. The claims went as far as saying that using the same toilet is also another way to transmit the disease.

These claims are false and it is incredibly disappointing that a society for AIDS control has spread such utter nonsense.

What is the truth?

AIDS/HIV is an infection that is caused by the immunodeficiency virus that is mostly transferred by unprotected coitus. The claims made by PSACS is a widely used misconception as India refuses to talk about coitus.

The truth is AIDS cannot be transmitted through toilet seats, sneezing, coughing, bathing, sharing food, hugging, insect bites or even sweat.

AIDS can be transmitted through unprotected coitus, mother to child during pregnancy, breastfeeding, infected needles, infected organ transplants and infected blood donations. The only way to get affected with the virus is if the infected blood enters the bloodstream of a healthy person.

This might just seem like misinformation but it is much more than that. People living with HIV/AIDS in India have to suffer continuous discrimination from neighbors and colleagues. They have sadly become the untouchables of the 21st century.

Spread the word and stop discrimination against those infected. They need love and support as they embark on an uncertain life. There is still no cure for HIV/AIDS and it is as much of a struggle as those battling cancer.