The Punjab Assembly, on the 17th of January, conducted a special session and passed a resolution against the Citizenship (Amendment) Act [CAA,] 2019. 

The Punjab Assembly passed the resolution and called for the abrogation of the Act.  The CAA provides Indian citizenship to refugees based on their religious beliefs. 

Captain Amarinder Singh, the Chief Minister of Punjab, who is against the Act, addressed the media and said if needed, he would move the Supreme Court to fight against the CAA. 

The resolution, which was passed today in the Assembly session, stated the citizenship law was “divisive and stands for everything opposed to a free and fair democracy, which must enshrine equality for all.”  It further mentioned, “Alongside the religion-based discrimination in granting citizenship, it is apprehended that the CAA is also likely to endanger the linguistic and cultural identity of some sections of our people.”

Recently, the Kerala Government also passed a resolution against the CAA and expressed concern over the implementation of the same. 

Introduced by the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP,) the CAA provides citizenship to refugees who are Hindus, Sikhs, Christians, Jains, Parsis and Buddhists from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh. 

Refugees of the aforementioned religious communities, who have been residing in India since or before the 31st of December, 2014, are eligible for citizenship under the Citizenship (Amendment) Act. 

Brahm Mahindra, the Minister of Parliamentary Affairs, tabled the resolution and the Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs) unanimously supported and passed the resolution.

Stay tuned for further updates. 

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