The Pune police arrested five activists from five states in a massive raid for a Maoist plot against the Prime Minister. The Pune police officers raided states across the country to arrest five out of the nine accused activists.

Raids were conducted in Delhi, Faridabad, Goa, Mumbai, Thane, Ranchi and Hyderabad. The raids were conducted based on the investigation by Pune Police showing some connections to the Maoist plot.
Activists like Sudha Bharadwaj was picked from Faridabad, Varavara Rao was arrested in Hyderabad, Gautam Navlakha was caught in Delhi, Arun Pereira and Vernon Gonsalves were taken into from Mumbai are in custody.

The others are Stan Swamy who was picked up from his residence in Ranchi, Kranti from Telangana was also taken into custody. The list also named Anand Teltumbde’s and was supposed to be arrested from his Goa home but unfortunately, the activist was not at home. The police seized his house and all the belongings such as laptops, pen drives and all the other documents.

In Hyderabad, three homes were raided which were related to VV Rao, Kranti and Kaseem of Virasam, all are suspected to have links with Maoists.

Author and activist Arundhati Roy is really angry and commented on the raid at the homes of lawyers, poets, writers, Dalit rights activists and intellectuals. She said, “They should raid those who make up lynch mobs and murder people in broad daylight. It tells us very clearly where India is headed. Murderers will be honoured and celebrated. Anybody who speaks up for justice or against Hindu majoritarianism is being made into a criminal. What is happening is absolutely perilous.”