Terrorists attacked Kakapora Army camp in Pulwama District in Jammu and Kashmir. A soldier and a civilian were killed in the massive attack in Kashmir. This comes after the Indian Government announced a ceasefire for the Muslim holy month of Ramzan.    

A Defence Spokesperson released a statement that read, “In a cowardly and provocative act of terror, terrorists carried out a standoff attack on Kakapora Army camp. One soldier martyred. Retaliatory actions ongoing.”

Earlier, the Home Ministry boasted that the ceasefire had a positive impact, reducing terrorist activity in Kashmir. The State Police also explained stone throwing incidents had drastically reduced.

The officials were also planning to extend the ceasefire after the Ramzan month if the condition remains docile. However, Pakistan has been violating the ceasefire with five attacks last week. This was before the peace plan was operationalized. There were 33 violations by the Pakistan soldiers between 16th of May and 23rd of May.    

A total of 8 civilians were killed in the crossfire while 44 people were injured. This caused outrage among the politicians in India. Ministry of State at the Prime Minister’s Office Jitendra Singh stated, “Pakistan has been completely exposed, busy killing people even during Ramzan.”

However, the stone pelting cases have reduced from 44 a week before Ramzan to 16 the following week.