An incident that shook the Nation on December 13, 2012, the Nirbhaya rape case, that led to the formation of the Nirbhaya Act. Jyothi, a regular paramedic girl was brutally raped and mutilated on the streets of Delhi from a moving bus. The girl breathed her last on December 29, 2012, after struggling to live.

The braveheart was provided justice on Friday by the Supreme Court, which finally pronounced the death sentence to the rapists. However, opinions varied on twitter, ranging from disappointment over the simple death penalty and how justice had been finally served. Amidst these reactions, the tweet by Priyanka Chopra put into words what has been left unsaid.

Priyanka, in her tweet, resonated what the Nation felt. She wrote, “Yes, it has taken five long years, but today justice finally prevailed. The flame of this verdict should singe not just the dastardly four (of the other two, one is dead and one accused is a juvenile) but such perpetrators in India as well.

“The brutal, barbaric and demoniacal conduct of the convicts shook the conscience of humanity and they don’t deserve leniency,” said the Supreme Court while reading out the death sentence to the four accused in the Nirbhaya rape cum murder case. I’m so Proud of the justice system for hearing her voice.. in her dying declaration she appealed that her perpetrators not be spared.

Justice – that was what the entire country demanded five years ago and never let the nation forget. Each voice that joined the battle was strident and clear – the six must be punished. Finally, they will pay. The brutality of such crimes is something I refuse to accept!!

That, we, as a modern 21st century allow such heinous things to happen to our women never ceases to trouble me. Unfortunately, the past can never be undone. So, we move on and make a promise to ourselves. That when an entire country is unified in wanting something, the action is taken. That awakening, this unified voice to stop such brutal and demoniacal crimes, as our Supreme Court said, is what we must never let go onto mute mode. You will never be forgotten Nirbhaya.”
Read Priyanka Chopra’s Tweet Here:

We are grateful to the actress for voicing her opinion genuinely and expressing what the Country felt in simple words.