Prime Minister Narendra Modi is running a campaign tour today in Himachal Pradesh and Gujarat.

PM Modi will be a part of two rallies in the hill state and then make a speech in Gujarat’s capital, Gandhinagar. Himachal Pradesh will be voting on the 9th of November while Gujarat will vote in December.

Modi lashed out at Congress at the first rally in Kangra in Himachal Pradesh. He was quoted saying, “We all need to look at the Congress. We should appreciate them. Nothing is left for them and they have lost their hold from every part of the country. Wherever people have a chance, they have voted for change. They (Congress) have become a laughing club.”

The Prime Minister mocked Himachal Pradesh’s Chief Minister Virbhadra Singh on corruption. He said the Chief Minister boasted about curbing corruption while being accused of corruption.

Modi questioned, “Despite the case, Singh ‘saheb’ is claiming there will be zero tolerance against corruption if the Congress is back in power. Can anyone believe him?”

Modi also listed the things that needed to be changed in the state, “There are five monsters in Himachal Pradesh which we need to get rid of mining mafia, forest mafia, drug mafia, tender mafia and transfer mafia”