Ram Nath Kovind, the President of India, on the 31st of July, approved the Triple Talaq Bill, 2019, officially known as the Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Bill, 2019.

After the Rajya Sabha, on the 30th of July, approved the Bill, it was sent to Ram Nath Kovind for his assent.

The Gazette notification issued on the 31st of July stated the President gave his assent to the Bill passed by Parliament.

According to the Triple Talaq Bill, triple talaq is an offence, which will lead to imprisonment for a minimum of 5 years. Any Muslim man who initiates triple talaq, either orally, through writing or any social media platforms, will be punished under the Act. A case under the bill will be valid only if the wife or any blood relative of the wife files a complaint. It is a non bailable offence, wherein bail can only be granted by the magistrate after the plea of the wife. The case will be closed if the couple agrees to a settlement.

After the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha, the President of India also approved the Bill, which will now make the Bill an act.

The new Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Marriage) Act will replace an ordinance which was passed on the 21st of February 2019, with the same rules and effect.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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