New Delhi: Internet service providers (ISPs) have blocked pornography sites in India. According to the media reports and users who are voicing their suspicions about Banning porn appears to be in the national wide ban.
With the discussion on social media platform – Reddit – users said that they were unable to access the porn websites, while rest of then came across the message, “The site has been blocked as per the instructions of Competent Authority.”
Porn Ban
The reason behind the ban is still kept in secret that whether Modi government has orchestrated an official ban on porn, but there is growing suspicion that the authorities have sneakily clamped down on these websites over the weekend.
Film director Ram Gopal Verma said that given its popularity, any government which owned up to banning porn would lose the next election.
“Such interim orders cannot be passed by this court. Somebody may come to the court and say look I am above 18 and how can you stop me from watching it within the four walls of my room. It is a violation of Article 21,” Chief Justice H.L.Dattu said.

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