Prime Minister Narendra Modi and his Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese arrived on Tuesday at Sydney’s Qudos Bank Arena to a raucous greeting where Modi spoke to the Indian diaspora. A sizeable crowd of around 20000 locals assembled to meet PM Modi.

During the visit, PM Modi addressed the Indian diaspora and assured them that they wouldn’t have to wait another 28 years to see their PM as he fulfilled his word.

“In 2014, I had promised that you will not have to wait for 28 years for an Indian Prime Minister again. So here I am once again, Sydney. I have not come alone. My Australian counterpart Anthony Albanese has come with me,” Modi said.  He also highlighted Sameer Pandey’s election as the Lord Mayor of Parramatta and extended his gratitude to Australian PM Albanese for renaming Sydney’s Harris Park neighbourhood to ‘Little India.

In addition, while speaking about India-Australia ties, PM Modi said, “I believe the historic ties between India and Australia goes beyond 3 Cs (commonwealth, cricket, curry) 3Ds (democracy, diaspora, dosti) and 3Es (energy, economy, education). India-Australia relationship is based on mutual trust and mutual respect.”

PM Modi added that, “Our lifestyles may be different but now Yoga also connects us. We have been connected due to cricket for long. But now tennis and films are also connecting us. We might prepare food in different manners but Masterchef is connecting us now.

“Our cricket-based relationship has completed 75 years. As intense as the on-field match is, our relationship is equally deep off the field. Millions of Indians were saddened when Australian spin bowler Shane Warne died.”

Speaking on the ever-deeper economic ties between India and Australia and the rise of the former’s economy on the global stage, PM Modi said, “Today, IMF considers India a bright spot in the global economy. World Bank believes that if anyone is challenging global headwinds, it is India. Banking system in several countries are in trouble today but on the other hand, the strength of India’s banks are being appreciated everywhere.”

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