On the 22nd of April, Friday, the United Kingdom Prime Minister Mr. Boris Johnson met with the Prime Minister of India, Mr. Narendra Modi.  The meeting was held in Delhi during the British PM Boris Johnson’s two-day visit to India.

During the scheduled meeting, the two discussed various matters, focusing mainly on trade, security, defense, and technology.  On Friday, Mr. Boris Johnnson also agreed on a new and expanded India-U.K., defense partnership, aiming for an ambitious free trade agreement by the end of 2022.  

Highlighting the Free Trade Agreement (FTA) deal which is expected to be finalized by October, PM Narendra Modi said, “In the last few months, India has concluded Free Trade Agreements with UAE and Australia.  At the same pace, with the same commitment, we would like to move forward on the FTA with the UK as well.”  He added, “We have also agreed to enhance cooperation in the defense sector.  In the defense sector, we welcome the U.K.’s support for ‘self-reliant India’ in manufacturing, technology, design, and development.”

Furthermore, the British Prime Minister also said that the United Kingdom would be creating an Open General Export Licence (OGEL) for India.  He said this OGEL would help to  “reduce bureaucracy and slashing delivery times” for defense procurement in India.

Strengthening the bilateral relations of the two nations, Mr. Borish Johnson said that both sides agreed to work together to meet new threats across land, sea, air space, and cyber domains.  In addition, the United Kingdom and India would have an agreement on new fighter jet technology as well as in the maritime sphere to detect and respond to threats in the oceans.

Mr. Booris Johnson said. “Today, we have agreed on a new and expanded defense and security partnership, and decades-long commitment to not only forge tighter bonds between us but to support your goal Narendra of Make in India (in defense.)”

Meanwhile, the two, Mr. Narendra Modi and Mr. Boris Johnson also launched a virtual Hydrogen Science and Innovation hub to accelerate affordable green hydrogen and unveiled plans in sync with the Green Grids Initiative announced at COP26.

Meanwhile, besides meeting PM Narendra Modi, Mr. Boris Johnson earlier met with the External Affairs Minister Mr. S. Jaishankar.  He is likely to return to the U.K., later today, on the 22nd of April.

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