Narendra Damodardas Modi, the 15th Prime Minster of India has taken the country globally. Narendra Modi withstood his profession with much of resilience and courage to get a difference in the nation.

The global face of India PM Modi publicizes about the country to every edge of the world and maintains sustainable development with the neighbouring counties.


Prime Minister Narendra Modi is entering the third year in office. He rode to power on a number of promises and hope.

The normal chai wala has taken India on a ride with his strategies . He never gets tired and promised for Aache Din, hopefully the rural and urban have witnessed the Kusioyo Ki Gyarnte. NaMo  is gentle like a child by behavior and roars like a lion in the parliament, recites poems to encourage his minsters in the Parliament.

When it comes to the Bharatiya Janatha Minister the team works lags, as in the Minsters have to run fast to reach the PM’s speed.

Here are the most prominent BJP leaders:

Arun Jateliy: The financial Minister Of India: The best Finance ministry so far but have lacked behind.

Suresh comes next in the race: The Railway Minster: Although the transport of Railway have not increased much but the ministry has managed to take good decision in Railways. The railway budget has pleased the nation and encourages the transport.

Smithi Irani: The IRD minister. This ministry  plays a prominent role in education system. The educational minister have faced a lot of humiliation, as there is no proper education policy in rural and no action has been taken against fake universities.

Raj Nath Sigh: Maintains low profile. Even today, the terror still threatens the borders. Fear of terrorists is still alive in the country.

Nithin Gadkari: Transport: Good National highways, man who doesn’t wait for approvals and does what he feels good for development.

PM Modi entering his 3rd year of ruling, have stayed quite on the issues of Beef Ban row and Bharat mata ki jai. He concentrates much on transparency and development. However PM Modi deserves credits in transferring India and promoting in 24/7 with his global campaigns.

Happy entering third Year Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

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