On Tuesday, Prime Minister Narendra Modi will take a trip to Tamil Nadu, Lakshadweep and Kerala to check on the aftermath of Cyclone Ockhi. Modi will also review the relief operations at Kanyakumari, Thiruvananthapuram and Kavaratti.

A statement issued by the PM’s office stated PM Modi would meet Officials and Public Representatives in both States. He will also meet with the cyclone victims, fishermen and farmers’ delegations.

The statement read, “During the financial year 2017 to 18, the amounts of the central share of the SDRF to the governments of Kerala and Tamil Nadu were Rs. 153 crore and Rs. 561 crore respectively.”

The Prime Minister will also meet with the Kerala Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and his Cabinet members. Chief Secretary K. M. Abraham in Kerala will show the PM a presentation on the calamity and the devastation caused in the State.

Earlier, the Kerala CM met Home Minister Rajnath Singh and received the Centre’s assistance of Rs. 1,843 crore. The State has also requested the Centre to declare Cyclone Ockhi as a national disaster.