Prime Minister of India Mr. Narendra Modi is scheduled to chair several meetings in Delhi, on the 5th of May, Thursday.  

According to sources, the Prime Minister of India would review the heatwaves situation in India, the upcoming monsoon and other issues in the nation with the concerned officials.  In addition, it is the first round of meetings which would be conducted after his recent Europe trip.

It is to be noted, Mr. Narendra Modi is scheduled to return to India after concluding his three days Europe trip, aiming for bilateral ties between India and other European countries, from the 3rd of May to the 5th of May.  

Furthermore, during the scheduled meetings, Mr. Narendra Modi would discuss the preparedness to deal with the heatwave affecting parts of the country and the upcoming monsoon season.

Notably, Mr. Narendra Modi would immediately attend office after arriving in Delhi.

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