Prime Minister Narendra Modi took a subtle jibe at the Congress leader Rahul Gandhi without taking any names. The PM referring to the earthquake in Delhi on February 7 said, “Yesterday there was an earthquake. We will do whatever we can to aid those affected. But finally, the earthquake did come. I was wondering why the quake came when it did. The threat was given a long time ago. There must be some reason that Mother Earth was so angry.”
The Prime Minister mentioned no names in his speech but it was linked to the December 9 jibe of Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi about his words causing an earthquake and also his comments about the SCAM acronym on Twitter. The PM also asked, “How can someone see sewa or any other positive virtue in a scam?”

In a twitter post Rahul Gandhi stated SCAM as S for ‘Service’, C for ‘Courage’, A for ‘Ability and M for ‘Modesty’. This came in response to the acronyms that have been doing the rounds for quite sometime in the news.
Many politicians of the opposition have criticised the Union Budget being presented ahead of elections in five states on February 1st. Speaking about this the PM said, “We do not see everything from the prism of elections. The interests of the nation are supreme for us. It does not matter how big you are, you will have to give back what belongs to the poor. My fight is for the poor.”
In the speech the PM also defended the move of demonetising the 500 and 1000 rupees notes. He said, “When can you have an operation? When the body is healthy. The economy was doing well and thus our decision was taken at the right time. Like Swachh Bharat, the decision on demonetisation is a movement to clean India (from corruption and black money).”

These statements came ahead of UP elections in which BJP has won 71 out of 80 Lok Sabha seats in the 2014 elections. The Poll pundits also believe that UP will act as a catalyst for the next win of the BJP in 2019 polls.