Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the 8th of August, addressed the Nation in a special TV broadcast and spoke about the revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir.

The Government of India (GoI,) on the 6th of August, passed the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019 and scrapped Article 370, which provided special status to Jammu and Kashmir.

After the massive step of the Indian Government, this was the first time the Prime Minister spoke about the move.

Mr. Modi’s special speech was regarding the reason behind the massive decision and the development of Jammu and Kashmir.

Mr. Modi started his speech and said, “We as a nation, as a family, have taken a historic decision. A system due to which brothers and sisters of Jammu, Kashmir and Ladakh were deprived of many rights and which was a big obstacle to their development, that system has been done away with.”

In his 40 minute speech, he presented the plan of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) led GoI regarding the development of Jammu and Kashmir and its citizens.

Mr. Modi said, “As a matter of priority, government employees of Jammu and Kashmir including Police will get the same benefits as government employees in other Union territories like LTC, HRA, education and health benefits.”

He said the Government will conduct Assembly elections in Jammu and Kashmir in a fair manner and the citizens of Jammu and Kashmir will get a chance to elect their representatives.  He further added after there is significant development in Jammu and Kashmir, it will be made a state again.

However, Ladakh will remain a union territory, as per the provisions of the Jammu and Kashmir Reorganisation Bill, 2019.  

Speaking about the economic development, Mr. Modi said Jammu and Kashmir has the potential to grow in terms of tourism as it is a great tourist destination.  He further added products of Jammu and Kashmir like apples and Kahwa should be exported worldwide.

PM referred to Bollywood and said, “Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh have the potential to be the biggest tourist hub of the world. There was a time when Kashmir was the favourite destination of Bollywood filmmakers, I am confident that in future even international films will be shot there.”

Mr. Modi also said now that Jammu and Kashmir will be under the Central Government, women and children can enjoy the benefits of several schemes launched by the Central Government.  Economic, social and infrastructural development will also be possible in the region.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s speech was meant to explain the Government of India’s decision to scrap Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir and clarify the citizens’ doubts regarding it.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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