Prime Minister Narendra Modi, on the 30th of December, launched a social media campaign in support of the Citizenship (Amendment) Act [CAA,] 2019.

Mr. Modi launched a Twitter campaign with #IndiaSupportsCAA, supporting the Act and urged the public not to protest against the Act but support it.  The CAA grants Indian citizenship to Hindu, Sikh, Parsi, Christian, Buddhist and Jain refugees from Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh who have been residing in India since or before the 31st of December, 2014.

The introduction of the Act triggered huge protests in major parts of Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Delhi, Assam and Hyderabad as people claim the Act is anti Muslim, as it excludes Muslims.

Mr. Modi said, “#IndiaSupportsCAA because CAA is about giving citizenship to persecuted refugees and not about taking anyone’s citizenship away.”  He posted a Twitter post which read, “Check out this hashtag in Your Voice section of Volunteer module on NaMo App for content, graphics, videos and more. Share and show your support for CAA.”

 To justify the Act is an important step, he even posted a video of Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev explaining various aspects of the CAA.  Mr. Modi said, “He (Sadhguru) provides historical context, brilliantly highlights our culture of brotherhood,” Modi tweeted. “He also calls out the misinformation by vested interest groups.”

While the Prime Minister Narendra Modi led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) is trying to explain the importance of the CAA for the aforementioned communities, a large number of citizens of India are continuing their protests.

So far, as many as 26 people lost their lives during the protest, out of which 19 were in Uttar Pradesh.

Despite the loss of lives and the damage to property, India’s citizens are not stepping back and continuing the protests against the Citizenship Amendment Act, 2019.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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