Prime Minister Modi hit back at the Congress party during his speech at the Lok Sabha. Modi blamed the opposition party for devoting all its time to favor one family. His speech had multiple jibes at Rahul Gandhi stating, Gandhi as Party President was more of a coronation than an election.

Modi was quoted saying, “Don’t lecture us on democracy. It was your party chief who tore up an ordinance and threw it in the faces of the media… It was your party chief who did not let young leaders get their points of view.”

The Opposition shouted slogans while Modi made his speech but this did not deter the PM, he said, “Your slogans can’t drown my voice, I wish the opposition listened to me quietly.” Rahul Gandhi was in the Parliament and intently listened to Modi with a puzzled look.

Responding to the series of attacks from the opposition about his Government’s policies, Modi said, “The country was partitioned, the seeds of poison was sown. You divided the country for electoral and petty gains…people are suffering even today.”

Modi also pinpointed the flawed way Congress handled the Andhra Pradesh bifurcation. He said, “When we speak of creating new states, we remember the manner in which Atal Bihari Vajpayee ji created Uttarakhand, Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh. He showed how farsighted decision making is done.” The PM claims the Congress messed up during the bifurcation of Andhra Pradesh and did not put in much needed research.

The Prime Minister had positive things to say but not about Congress. Talking about his Government’s achievements he said, “When we compare the work done in three years of the NDA government to that done by the Congress overall…When we compare the facts, figures and numbers…well, what comparison are we even talking about? There is none. The Congress has failed the people miserably.”

After Modi’s strong attack against the Congress in his speech, the Lok Sabha was adjourned till 3 P.M.