Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 15th of August, announced the National Digital Health Mission. 

Mr. Modi said the new health mission would bring a revolution in India’s health sector.

Mr. Modi said this new initiative would be “completely technology-based” initiative.

Under the new initiative, every Indian would get an ID card that would contain all relevant information about his/her medical conditions.

The issued ID card from the Health Department could be used to access health services and medicines.

Mr. Modi said, “From today (the 15th of August) a new campaign is going to start in the country. It is the National Digital Health Mission, which will bring a new revolution in the health sector in India.” He further added, “Every Indian will get a Health ID card. Every time you visit a doctor or a pharmacy, everything will be logged in this card. From the doctor’s appointment to the medication, everything will be available in your health profile.”

The National Digital Health Mission (NDHM) is an initiative under the Ayushman Bharat Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana (AB PM-JAY.)

The new digital enhancement in the health sector would improve the efficiency, effectiveness, and transparency of health services in the country.

Under the scheme each patient would get an ID card with confidential medical data, such as prescriptions, diagnostic reports and discharge summaries.

Patients will give their doctors, or health providers, one-time access to this data during visits to the hospital or for consultation. Amid fears over data confidentiality, the government said access to medical data will have to be given separately for each visit and that doctors could only access it for a limited time.

The NDHM will also allow patients to access health services remotely through tele consultation and e-pharmacies.

The new initiative of digital health card was launched on the 74th Independence Day with an aim of digital and self reliant India.

Stay tuned for further updates.

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