Prime Minister Narendra Modi on the 12th of May, addressed the Nation and briefed about the Novel Coronavirus or COVID-19, announcing biggest financil package and lockdown 4.

Mr. Modi in his 30 minutes address to the Nation, emphasized self reliance and said that humanity will not accept defeat from the Coronavirus.

Mr. Modi said, “The only way forward is self-reliance. India’s self-reliance addresses concerns about world’s happiness and peace.”   He further added, “The humankind will not deter. We will have to further firm up our resolve, protect ourselves and march forward.”

He said when the crisis began, the country did not manufacture a single PPE and only a few N95 masks were available. “Today two lakh PPE kits and two lakh N95 masks are manufactured in India daily.”

The Prime Minister said during the challenging time, Indian medicines have come out as a ray of hope. “Due to this step, India is being praised across the world and the Indians feel proud. The world has started believing that India can perform much better.”

During the lockdown and the pandemic crises, the citizens of India were relying on the local vendors and local markets, with this situation, the local market came into light.  Mr. Modi emphasised on the need to make Indian manufacturer as a big brand attracting huge number of investors in Indian brands.

The country has the sources, ability and world’s best talent and can make the best products.

Mr. Modi also announced a biggest financial aid of Rs. 20 lakh crores to India.  The Financial Ministry would announce the detail of the given amount to different sectors of India. This amount also includes the earlier packages announced by the Ministry of Finance and the Reserve Bank of India (RBI.)

Mr. Modi also announced lockdown 4, which would begin from the 18th of May with a different set of guidelines and rules.

Mr. Modi said, Lockdown 4.0., would be completely different from the last three lockdowns.  It will be based on feedback received from all the chief ministers and would be announced before the 18th of May.

The ongoing lockdown 3.0., is scheduled to end on the 17th of May.

In India, there are over 70,000 confirmed cases and more than 2,200 people have succumbed to the viral disease.

The PM expressed his condolences to the families who have lost their loved ones to the deadly virus.

Stay tuned for further updates.

Source: IANS.


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